
This is an old favorite of mine, part of one of the initial sets of photos I started taking in the beginning of August. It’s hard to believe that what started as just a way of cooling off in the shadows of the old city center has become a 500-photo (and counting) hobby and blog. I look forward to posting some better quality photos in the future, as I’ve just upgraded my mobile to an 8 mp camer model–since I only use the phone for music and pictures anyway.
So why was this photo one of my early favorites? Well, I think it just brought back that sensation from years ago when I was on a swing, pumping my legs furiously to reach that holy grail of swing maneuvers, a full 360ยบ loop–with no outside help. I’ve never heard of anyone actually doing it–I remember that when I reached a certain point the arc of my swing would start to go a bit lopsided, forcing me to stop, or be twisted about. Maybe in the world of graffiti the laws of playground physics are a bit more permissive…